Jules Catering is now operating as Cafe Luna Catering.
Please send your orders to catering@cafeluna-centralsq.com or call Teri at (617) 628 5977 for more information.


Norbey wraps ‘n’ rolls!

As is so often the case when we drop by Jules Catering's always-sizzling kitchen, it was the rapid-fire handiwork of  Chef Grand Manger Norbey Restrepo that immediately caught our eye. On this occasion, Norbey was just starting to assemble Jules Catering's popular...

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Jules gives a fig about (ripe!) figs

"The fool looks for figs in winter," said the 2nd-century Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. But today, less than a week from the summer solstice, it's not too soon to set our sights on figs. California produces 98 percent of figs grown in the U.S., and the first...

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“When fate hands Jules a lemon…”

...they don't necessarily follow Dale Carnegie's advice and "make lemonade."  Instead, Jules' chefs may prepare the exquisitely crafted, individually portioned desserts known as Golden Egg Custards. Even before we dipped a tiny spoon into this meringue-topped lemon...

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Growing Jules

"When I started my business 25 years ago I went in to the shop at 3 o'clock in the morning, seven days a week. But it didn't feel like work because it was a beginning.... I was laying seedlings in the ground, I was growing a company." So Jules' Owner-Chef Anita...

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The theater of party prep

Because we were curious to learn how Jules Catering sets up a cocktail party for 225 guests in just three-hours time, we showed up early for the company's May 1st, 25th-anniversary party. And we were amazed at how efficiently the team pulled together...how quickly and...

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“The Greatest Party On Earth”

"Really?" We appreciate your skepticism, but we attend a lot of parties and from our point of view the April 28 Artists For Humanity fundraiser at the EpiCenter in South Boston's Fort Point Channel Arts District was over-the-top terrific, inspiring, and really, really...

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Jules supports admin support!

Because April 25 marks the 60th anniversary of Administrative Professionals Day (known prior to 2000 as 'Professional Secretaries Day'), and because the celebration runs through all of next week, we checked in with Jules' Executive Chef Albert Rosado, who confirmed...

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Table talk

"A table should enhance the food, not dominate or distract," Anita replied, when we asked about her approach to setting a buffet table. "The simpler the better. Like a frame that properly sets off a painting, a table should promote the food's natural good looks." What...

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We’ve launched a blog!

By way of introducing this new venture, we turned to Jules' Owner-Chef Anita Baglaneas, who (in a mere minute-and-a-half) profiles the full-service catering company she founded in 1987: http://youtu.be/azhal0u6wsc "This video captures a lot," Anita explains, "but if...

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