Jules Catering is now operating as Cafe Luna Catering.
Please send your orders to catering@cafeluna-centralsq.com or call Teri at (617) 628 5977 for more information.


“Bet you can’t eat just one!”

Jules has a thing about potato chips "That old girl is a girl after our own heart" was the word from Jules Catering, after we screened this one-minute vintage television commercial for Scudder's Potato Chips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYzbv8fDaAo "We have a lot...

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The turkey, “though a little vain and silly…

"...is a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards...with a red Coat on." So wrote Benjamin Franklin, tongue at least partly in cheek, in a 1784 letter to his daughter, noting that "this respectable Bird" and "true original...

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‘Particular party planner’ Mimi Deignan

"Where's Mimi?" This was more or less our mantra when we popped in to observe all that's involved in setting up a Country Wedding for 200 guests on a balmy autumn afternoon. We found ourselves repeatedly asking this question, not because Mimi wasn't where she was...

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“Oh, somewhere in this favoured land…”

"...the sun is shining bright. The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light; And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout, But there is no joy in..." Beantown, Boston Red Sox have STRUCK OUT! Apologies to fellow Bay Stater Ernest...

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Portrait of Jenny

If you've read the book, seen the film, or heard the song (which didn't actually appear in the film, but which has become a jazz standard), you'll know that Portrait of Jennie is a fantasy about a mysterious and charming girl/woman who--because she pays absolutely no...

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Anita dreams of sushi…

...O-Bento Sushi, that is, from John Kim's shop in Waltham, MA. "Jules' food is all about taste, color, texture, balance, and freshness," explained Jules Catering's Owner-Chef Anita Baglaneas, when we explored the topic of sushi after seeing the 2011 documentary Jiro...

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She’s got party DNA

"Absolutely I love a party! I was raised in a family that loved to entertain. My mother would say, 'Oh, let's have a hat party'--and all of a sudden there would be 100 people at the house, eating and drinking and having fun in their hats." "Or my father, the president...

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We treasure our heirlooms…

…and the people who grow them. Now that Massachusetts' farmers' markets are once again in full swing we welcome the return of award-winning heirloom tomatoes grown by Carl and Marie Hills of Kimball Fruit Farm, in Pepperell, MA. A third-generation family farm,...

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