by julescatering | Apr 26, 2012 | Our Favorite Things, Service, Team
Chances are if you dial in to Jules Catering from nine to five, Monday thru Friday, you’ll be greeted by either Stephanie Vargas or Daniela Avila–distant cousins, close friends, and administrative support professionals who–without prompting–let...
by julescatering | Apr 20, 2012 | Holidays, Menus, Our Favorite Things, Parties, Service
Because April 25 marks the 60th anniversary of Administrative Professionals Day (known prior to 2000 as ‘Professional Secretaries Day’), and because the celebration runs through all of next week, we checked in with Jules’ Executive Chef Albert...
by julescatering | Apr 11, 2012 | Entertaining, Our Favorite Things, Parties
“A table should enhance the food, not dominate or distract,” Anita replied, when we asked about her approach to setting a buffet table. “The simpler the better. Like a frame that properly sets off a painting, a table should promote the food’s...
by julescatering | Apr 5, 2012 | Products, Service, Team
By way of introducing this new venture, we turned to Jules’ Owner-Chef Anita Baglaneas, who (in a mere minute-and-a-half) profiles the full-service catering company she founded in 1987: “This video captures a lot,” Anita explains, “but if you...
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