by julescatering | Feb 7, 2013 | Food In Literature, Our Favorite Things, Team
Always eager to explore the depths of Jules’ talent pool, we caught up with Jean-Claude Banderier, an expert and influential presence in Jules’ kitchen for nearly eight years, and a chef for nearly 50. Because Jean-Claude has cooked in fine restaurants and...
by julescatering | Jan 14, 2013 | Entertaining, Events, Menus, Our Favorite Things, Parties, Party Planning, Service, Team
How does Jules cater parties? With the help of Jules’ Director of Business Development, Jenny Willig, we began to count the many ways. “I’m glad you asked about this,” said Jen, “because my sense is that some of our clients so strongly...
by julescatering | Dec 18, 2012 | Events, Holidays, Our Favorite Things, Parties, Service, Team
When, a few days ago, we crossed paths with Jules Catering’s Assistant Pastry Chef Wilmar Aristizabal outside Jules’ fragrant kitchen, a flurry of questions rushed to mind: Where is your chef’s jacket? Why aren’t you rolling out cookie dough? ...
by julescatering | Dec 4, 2012 | Food History, Menus, Our Favorite Things, Products
Jules has a thing about potato chips “That old girl is a girl after our own heart” was the word from Jules Catering, after we screened this one-minute vintage television commercial for Scudder’s Potato Chips: “We have a lot in common with Laura...
by julescatering | Nov 8, 2012 | Entertaining, Events, Food History, Holidays, Menus, Our Favorite Things, Parties, Party Planning, Products, Vendors
“…is a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards…with a red Coat on.” So wrote Benjamin Franklin, tongue at least partly in cheek, in a 1784 letter to his daughter, noting that “this respectable...
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