Jules Catering is now operating as Cafe Luna Catering.
Please send your orders to catering@cafeluna-centralsq.com or call Teri at (617) 628 5977 for more information.

…We found ourselves in Athens! Although we spotted no partridges or turtle doves in the fruit-laden orange trees that line downtown streets and squares, we were struck by the festive sounds and colors of cylindrical bells fashioned from tin cans.

Christmas decorations on orange trees in downtown Athens

                 Gently tinkling tin-can bells adorn citrus trees in downtown Athens

Also on the second day of Christmas, we tagged along as Jules’ Owner-Chef Anita Baglaneas–always on the lookout for ideas she can adopt or improvise upon when planning catered events back home–roamed Athens streets.

“I’m not at all tech-savvy, but I’m a really visual person and I have a new iPhone,” Anita explained. “So whenever I see something that might even remotely be applied to the business of catering, I stop and point and shoot!”

Anita Baglaneas inspired by Athens' streets

                            These colorful Athens’ street wares caught Anita’s eye

Ornamental bouquet of painted pomegranates Athens

                      Don’t be surprised if Jules’ table decor reflects Athens’ streets

“And I do this in far less exotic places than Athens,” Anita continued. “For example, the other day in a Christmas Tree Shop in Natick I photographed equipment we may decide to use for some other purpose. And I picked up a spice rack constructed like little steps, as a sample to share with Jules’ Event Managers. ‘Would this spice rack work as a vehicle for multi-colored shooter glasses?’ I’ll ask them. “They’re all creative thinkers, so they’re likely to come up with other ideas, but this was what I had in mind.”

Did icy, December branches inspire this sweet table?

Jules Catering sets a nice table, even without fruit-laden branches or plump, painted fruit

Next time we check in with Anita, we’ll be sure to inquire.

Photo Credits: Liz Muir